What Happens If I Die Without A Will?

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What Happens If You Die Without a Will in New York City

Planning for the future is a responsible and caring act that ensures your loved ones are taken care of when you’re no longer around. Part of this planning involves creating a last will and testament. However, many people put off this important task, and unfortunately, some pass away without ever creating a will. If you die without a will in New York City, it can lead to various legal complications. In this guide, we’ll explore what happens in such situations and how Morgan Legal Group can assist you.

Understanding Intestate Succession

Dying without a will is referred to as dying “intestate.” In the absence of a will, New York has specific laws governing how your assets will be distributed, known as “intestate succession.” Here are some key points to understand:

  • Spouse and Children: If you’re survived by a spouse and children, they will typically inherit your assets. The exact distribution depends on the number of children and whether they are shared between you and your spouse.
  • Spouse but No Children: In this case, your spouse will generally inherit everything.
  • No Spouse or Children: If you have no surviving spouse or children, your assets may pass to other relatives, such as parents, siblings, or more distant relatives, following a predetermined order.
  • No Close Relatives: In situations where you have no close relatives, your assets may ultimately go to the state.

Asset Distribution Without a Will

When you die without a will, the court will appoint an administrator to manage your estate. This administrator will be responsible for:

  • Gathering your assets
  • Paying off any debts or liabilities
  • Distributing the remaining assets according to intestate succession laws

It’s important to note that without a will, you have no control over who receives your assets. This means that your assets may be distributed differently than you would have intended. Additionally, the process can be time-consuming and may lead to disputes among potential heirs.

How Morgan Legal Group Can Help

While dying without a will can create complications, it’s never too late to address your estate planning needs. At Morgan Legal Group in New York City, we specialize in helping individuals and families create comprehensive estate plans, including wills, trusts, and other important documents.

Our experienced attorneys can:

  • Assist you in creating a legally valid will that reflects your wishes
  • Help you understand the implications of intestate succession and how it may affect your estate
  • Guide you through the estate planning process, ensuring your assets are distributed as you desire
  • Provide peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of according to your wishes

Don’t leave your estate to chance. Contact Morgan Legal Group today to discuss your estate planning needs and create a will that ensures your assets are distributed as you intend.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The content of this blog may not reflect the most current legal developments. No attorney-client relationship is formed by reading this blog or contacting Morgan Legal Group PLLP.

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